Senior Spotlight – Kassi Paterson


Defensive Specialist

Siblings Names and Ages

Ian Paterson (21) and Jaden Paterson (19)

Parent’s Names

Kip and Nicole Paterson

Plans After Graduation

Go to college and major in business

Congressional Silver Award, AP Scholar, National Honors Society, Minnesota Track and Field Academic All-State ’22/’23, AAU Academic All-American ’22, Bring it Award ’22, DECA state 2024

All the weird and funny jokes, dances, and singing we all did to enlighten the moments.

What has volleyball taught you?

Volleyball has taught me how to be a better person/teammate and many life lessons that will take me through life.

What are your goals for your Senior Year?

My goals for Senior Year is to enjoy my last moments with friends and family before going off to college.

Do you have a favorite meal or dessert?

Favorite meal- chick-fil-a or canes
Favorite dessert- pumpkin bars or cream cheese bars

Favorite Candy

Fries and vanilla ice-cream

Favorite Bottle Drink

Blue Fast-Twitch Gatorade

3 Favorite Apps on your phone?

Tik Tok, Instagram, and Snapchat

What or who makes you laugh?

My teammates

Other activities or organizations you are involved with or enjoy?

Campus Faith Club Officer ’24/’25, DECA, Letters of Love, Student Council, M Health Fairview Ridges Hospital Volunteer, LNHS Track and Field.

I love being active at the gym, and recreational activities like pickleball and golf.

What have your coaches taught you?

To give 100% of what I have that day no matter what, and how to lead/uplift others with my actions and my voice.

How would your family or close friends describe you?

Energetic, Driven, Funny, Competitive

What are some things you feel you can’t live without?

Starbucks, Fast-Food Restaurants, and my dog.

Do you have any superstitions?

Wearing braids in my hair for good luck

Do you have any favorite sports teams or athletes?

Nebraska Volleyball

What is one thing you would put on your “bucket” list?

Travel to Greece

Favorite Quote:

1 Corinthians 16:14 “Do everything in love”

Best memory from LVNVB?

The people I met through this program. During high school season I spent countless hours a week during practice, games, pasta dinners, and team hangouts becoming closer with my teammates. The joy and laughter of our memories as a team will never be forgotten.

Advice for younger players?

Take in every moment because everything goes by so fast. No matter what team you make, enjoy it and work your hardest because it will pay off in the end.

Message to my parents:

Mom and Dad,
Thank you for always being my number 1 supporters. The hours and money spent supporting me never goes unnoticed, and I am so grateful to have you as my parents.

Chocolate or Vanilla


Crushed ice or cubed ice?


Pen or Pencil?


Spicy or mild?


Fiction or Non Fiction?


Truth or Dare?


Board games or video games?

Video games

Bacon or Sausage?


Bagels or waffles?


Pool or Ocean?


Snap Chat or Tik Tok?

Tik Tok