Senior Spotlight – Morgan Drent


Defensive Specialist

Siblings Names and Ages

Jack- 20
Payton- 23
Madi- 25

Parent’s Names

Bethany and Dean Drent

Plans After Graduation

Nursing school at NDSU

National Honors Society
Presidential Scholarship from NDSU

When my sister Madi was in a coma from being hit by a car.

What has volleyball taught you?

Volleyball has taught me to build my endurance and give it my all every practice.

What are your goals for your Senior Year?

My goals are to graduate with honors, complete 4 more college classes, and have fun with my friends!

Do you have a favorite meal or dessert?

Mac and Cheese

Favorite Candy

Reese’s Pb Cups

Favorite Bottle Drink


3 Favorite Apps on your phone?

Tik Tok, Snapchat, Spotify

What or who makes you laugh?

My dad or Erin MacLeod

Other activities or organizations you are involved with or enjoy?

I like to hang out with my friends and my boyfriend. I also like to color and go shopping for fun.

What have your coaches taught you?

Stay low on base and be ready on my toes to get anything up.

How would your family or close friends describe you?

Very funny and outgoing.

What are some things you feel you can’t live without?

My dog Cody, sephora, target, and starbucks

Do you have any superstitions?


Do you have any favorite sports teams or athletes?

I really like USC volleyball team.

What is one thing you would put on your “bucket” list?

Go to Bora Bora or the Virgin Islands

Favorite Quote:

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt

Best memory from LVNVB?

Getting pulled up to Varsity for sections and then making the varsity team.

Advice for younger players?

Play in the moment and work hard because time flies.

Message to my parents:

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and how many hours you have put into volunteering.

Chocolate or Vanilla


Crushed ice or cubed ice?


Pen or Pencil?


Spicy or mild?


Fiction or Non Fiction?

Non Fiction

Truth or Dare?


Board games or video games?

Video games

Bacon or Sausage?


Bagels or waffles?


Pool or Ocean?


Snap Chat or Tik Tok?

Tik Tok