Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Emergency Contact Form
All participants, 18 years and older, must have this form completed and submitted before participation.
As an active participant in the 2021 Lakeville North Panther Pan-O-Prog Outdoor Sand/Grass Volleyball Tournament I, , understand that I will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury which might not only result from my own actions (inactions or negligence) but the actions (inactions or negligence) of others, the rules of play, the condition of the premise or of any equipment used, and further that there may be other risks neither known to the tournament staff or reasonably foreseeable at this time. I will not hold Lakeville North High School nor the Lakeville North volleyball program, tournament, staff, or adult supervisors responsible for any accident or injury that may occur during participation in the tournament.
I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Panther Pan-O-Prog Beach Volleyball Tournament harmless from all liability, loss, cost, claim or damage which may be in connection with my participation in the tournament. I understand that the Panther Pan-O-Prog Beach Volleyball Tournament has rules and standards of conduct and I agree to abide by these rules, terms and conditions for participation. I, as the participant in the 2021 Panther Pan- O-Prog Beach Volleyball Tournament, understand that I will be accountable for my actions and will act in a responsible manner. If I am unable to participate positively, I understand that I may be removed from the tournament immediately and future participation will be pending.