Plans After Graduation
Physical Therapy no volleyball in college
Honors (Volleyball or Academic):
Panther award freshman year
Bring it award sophomore year
Panther award junior year
Finish this sentence. I will always remember: (can be life related or volleyball)
The section finals against northfield and how involved everyone was always just excited for one another and all the hard work that payed off.
What has volleyball taught you?
Volleyball has taught me to never underestimate myself or anyone else, you will be surprised by what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.
What are your goals for your Senior Year?
Grow as an individual on and off the court with my leadership.
Do you have a favorite meal or dessert?
Any fruit
Favorite Candy
Airhead extreme bites
Favorite Bottle Drink
White powerade
3 Favorite Apps on your phone?
Apple music, vsco, starbucks
What or who makes you laugh?
Morgan Drent
Other activities or organizations you are involved with or enjoy?
I’m a senior officer here at north and I love to rollerblade and ice skate.
What have your coaches taught you?
Friendships are so important on and off the court.
How would your family or close friends describe you?
Passionate and a money spender.
What are some things you feel you can’t live without?
Music and my teammates
Do you have any superstitions?
I have to say “I love you” to my dog every time I leave the house
Do you have any favorite sports teams or athletes?
Louisville volleyball team
What is one thing you would put on your “bucket” list?
Going to the Thailand Elephant Sanctuary
Favorite Quote:
“Don’t take life too seriously”
Best memory from LVNVB?
The whole day leading up to our championship state game vs Wayzata
Advice for younger players?
If you think you can’t do it, you can.
Message to my parents:
Thank you for working around your work schedule to come watch me play and paying for my club.
Chocolate or Vanilla
Crushed ice or cubed ice?
Pen or Pencil?
Spicy or mild?
Fiction or Non Fiction?
Truth or Dare?
Board games or video games?
Video games
Bacon or Sausage?
Bagels or waffles?
Pool or Ocean?
Snap Chat or Tik Tok?
Tik Tok