Plans After Graduation
Planning to pursue a degree in Communication Disorders.
Honors (Volleyball or Academic):
LNVB Bring It Award – 2019
AAU Academic All American – 2019 and 2021
AAU All American – 2021
Finish this sentence. I will always remember: (can be life related or volleyball)
I will always remember failing my first driving test due to “pedestrian safety”
What has volleyball taught you?
Volleyball has taught me the importance of building real and genuine connections.
What are your goals for your Senior Year?
My biggest goal for senior year is to live in the moment and take it “ALL IN”.
Do you have a favorite meal or dessert?
I LOVE strawberries and fruit dip!!
3 Favorite Apps on your phone?
Apple Music, Netflix, and the Clock app for my alarm.
What or who makes you laugh?
Definitely my Dad’s jokes and just my Mom’s presence.
Other activities or organizations you are involved with or enjoy?
I am in Key Club, American Sign Language Club, and I was also on the JV Tennis Team last year!!
What have your coaches taught you?
My coaches have taught me to believe. Believe in myself, believe in others, and believe in the unknown.
How would your family or close friends describe you?
Approachable, Competitive, and Goofy
What are some things you feel you can’t live without?
Salt and vinegar chips, comfy blankets, and nap time 🙂
Do you have any superstitions?
I am not a superstitious person!
Do you have any favorite sports teams or athletes?
The Green Bay Packers!! Go Pack Go
What is one thing you would put on your “bucket” list?
Traveling to Australia with my family!
Favorite Quote:
“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground”
Best memory from LVNVB?
So many memories, but the best one was getting pulled up to the section and state roster my Sophomore year!!
Advice for younger players?
Embrace every moment, and do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone!
Message to my parents:
Mom and Dad-
Wow, how can I even put my appreciation in words. Thank you for being genuine, supportive, and hilarious. I will never truly understand how many sacrifices you have made for me, and I am forever grateful. I am one lucky bean to have parents like you. Love you
Chocolate or Vanilla
Crushed ice or cubed ice?
Pen or Pencil?
Spicy or mild?
Fiction or Non Fiction?
Non Fiction
Truth or Dare?
Board games or video games?
Board games
Bacon or Sausage?
Bagels or waffles?
Pool or Ocean?
Snap Chat or Tik Tok?
Snap Chat